Boiling Point - How Hitler did it

3 years ago

Passed Boiling Point - I am disgusted that the "Protests" in Australia have turned in to Festivals and Big Picnics. Weekend protests do nothing.
The government is NOT scared of happy peaceful people.
PICNICS do nothing... Walking down the street all smiling and holding signs on the weekend DISRUPTS NOTHING !!!!

Peaceful protests do nothing... Especially when they only last a couple of hours on a weekend. This does NOTHING !!

Like the Frog in the pot of boiling water.. I never jumped in that pot of cold water to begin with. I and many of us that have never worn a mask .. never worn a vax pass or checked in.. and will NEVER get the kill shot.. We understand and have been warning people for almost 10 years this is coming.. This exact thing.. Down to the Home Quarantine which is nothing more than Treason - Tyranny and putting HEALTHY people away is NOT Quarantine !! FACT !!

The pot is BEYOND boiling point and the MASS CONSENT is doing far more harm than all the protests put together.. FACT

Until you all stop getting tested for this virus 99.9 % survival rate with my symptoms when you are healthy.. this will NOT end..

Stop wearing the MASK.. the muzzle... it is nothing more than a sign of submission..
Submission to the Government and Media lies and hoax that has been going on two years now..

Giving up your medical freedom .. thats it.. thats your last chance to be human and have any control over yours and your kids bodies - mind and soul.

Where is the WEEK LONG protest against forceful jabbing our kids and trying to take consent away from parents to jab or not..

This is the worst thing that could happen.. and you sheeple are still in the pot of boiling water and time is about to run out to jump out and not die basically.

The numbers of still births - deaths - heart attacks - seizures -bells palsy - full immune shut down is from the EXPERIMENTAL Vaccine..
THEY called it !!!!! Experimental.... what did you think would happen if you willingly volunteered to be the experimental lab rat ???
( which the rats didnt live passed two years )

MASS LONG PROTEST is needed in Australia and to stop goping to these FAKE PROTESTS where it's nothing more than a minor party political stunt to get more votes.. get in and do nothing.. and dont forget all the people running for a govt job.. remember all the SH!T they did to us before.. Pauline Hanson - Jacky Lambie - Cambell Newman should NEVER even been allowed to run.. All re criminals wanted for crimes against the people of Australia..
Go back and look what they voted for and what they brought in...
Our voting system is BROKEN and needs to be brought down an reset so we dont have a TWO PARTY PREFERRED system.. only preferred by the two parties that state they are the top.. they take every other party's votes.. and never do anything but protect that system...

This needs to change... and it only will when not this controlled opposition freedom movement people that plan parties basically and sell t-shirts....

People protesting holding signs already know it's bad.. that's not helping the sheeple by going out and smiling .. they are just getting the govt fake narrative calling everyone anti v@xxers...

The time is now for the GREAT RESIST !!!!

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