The David Knight Show 29Dec21 - Unabridged

3 years ago

Today’s “Ask Me Anything” begins an hour, ten minutes into the program

The 3 hr show is broken into approximately 20 minute segments. Here are topics in each segment…

Hr 1 Seg 1:

*LGBT Grooming of USA Kids by TikTok (with Chinese government connections) while Chinese government actively opposes LGBT in China
*Democrats are tone deaf and arrogant when it comes to rejecting parental involvement in education. It’s going to cost them
*FiveThirtyEight asked people to share their abortion stories — on Christmas Day. What they got was NOT what they expected
*One county had 25 cops arrested in 2021 on various sexual charges from child abuse to bestiality

Hr 1 Seg 2:

*China is hoarding massive amounts of food. They’ve purchased futures contracts for the first half of 2022 — more than half of worlds corn, rice and wheat
*Conservative media is completely missing (or dismissing as senility) what Biden said about “No Federal Solution”
*Dr. Scott Jensen, MD and state representative in MN, cuts a short video in desperation about what he sees as the collapse of the medical system
*CDC cuts its Omicron narrative, dropping the statement that 73% of people were infected to 59%. Do you believe that either?

Hr 1 Seg 3:

*Video clip: Candace Owens tries to assuage Trump supporters by saying Trump is just ignorant old Boomer
*Video clip: Dr. David Martin, PhD shows Trump KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing as early as 2019
*Even mainstream media is warning about the new “covid pills” rushed to market with an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)

Hr 2 Seg 1:

*NY Governor backs down on vaccine mandate for MTA when 20% of workers DO NOT COMPLY
*5 yr old and mother are traumatized when a dozen NYPD cops swarm them over eating without a jab passport. Life in NYC has become a dystopian satire
*Oprah & Gayle King try to normalize jab passports, testing of friends and relatives, etc before getting together for holidays
*“Ask Me Anything” - listeners ask me about everything. Begins hour and ten minutes into program and continues through the end

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