History being made at Old Parliament House

3 years ago


Way better energy at today's gathering #GiveOurEldersTheKeys 🌏🕊🌿☀️🌱🌳👣🌈

Loving the music and festivities 🥳

Wednesday the 29th of Dec 2021 Loving witnessing the history being made at Old Parliament House Canberra right now ❤️ so beautiful to see The Original Sovereigns, and those who stand with them, in the process of restoring Divine and Natural Lore. The REAL Lore of this sacred, Sovereign First Nations Land.

Out with the podophiles in parliament and the criminal corporate fraud that they use to conduct their child and human trafficking operations. In with our Original Sovereign Elders, Lore men and women.

#TruthSetsUsFree #UnitedWeStand #PeoplesTreaty #LawfulRemedy
Give Our Elders the keys!!! 🔑🗝🔑#PeoplesPeaceAlliance #PeaceTalks #WorldPeace #HeavenOnEarth 🌏🌿🕊☀️🌱🌳👣🌈🙌🏼💃🏻 #NowIsTheTime

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