Spot on Wednesday 12-29-21

3 years ago

So what do you know, or better yet what have you learned this past year?

2021 is winding down now and it appears that the world is in as much if not more turmoil than last year.

The uncertainty continues.

Do you do your own research or do you blindly follow the mainstream media and big tech?

Do you believe that our government knows whats best for us and has our best interest in mind?

Do you remember the hype created around the Y2K event?

There was an unusual thick blanket of snow that had covered the ground New Year's Eve 1999.

The resident firefighter and his family had to dig out around the fire pit.

The snow was more than knee deep.

Getting the mothers out there was quite the challenge.

It was a cold moonless night.

25 miles separated Sauk City from Madison.

At least with the folks I was hanging out with we were all very uncertain what midnight would bring.

Was the world ready for what was to come when the computer clock turned midnight?

As we listen to mainstream radio we now had a pretty good idea how the world was reacting to the midnight event throughout the time zones.

Happy New Year! The ball would drop once again.

You could hear the explosions from fireworks and see the flashes in the night sky from downtown Madison.

We blew our horns, twirled the noise makers and hooted and hollered for what seem to be an eternity.

Just about then Mike through another palette on the fire, we all paused for a brief moment and looked around.

All's good the lights are still on. #dbrn

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