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Lisa's Testimony - Part 2
(Resumed from Part 1)
“Speaking in tongues is speaking gibberish with the faith that it is not gibberish; it is in fact the Holy Spirit speaking through you. It takes faith.”
And that really clicked with me. And I was like, “Oh, ok. Let me give it a try. I’m just going to say gibberish, like whatever comes out of my mouth.” And this other lady taught that you need to pray, “Holy Spirit, please pray through me.” And then start speaking anything that is not in your native language.
So, I did that, and a word came out of my mouth. And people, I am not Hispanic! I could not for the life of me roll my “R’s”. But this word that came out of my mouth had a rolled R in it and I rolled it perfectly. And despite this mob of demons that were trying to tell me that I hadn’t spoken in tongues, I knew that the Holy Spirit had just spoken through me, because I have never been able to roll my “R’s”.
And that was the only word I was given but I decided to just keep repeating that word over and over again throughout the next three days. When you try to pray in tongues for the first time you just get assailed with so many doubts because the enemy does not want you praying in tongues. It is so powerful! So. thank God He gave me that tiny miracle of suddenly being able to roll my “R’s” to build my faith. And also, when you first pray in tongues you don’t recognize the words and so you’re very unsure of yourself. But I just kept praying it anyway. And I thought to myself, maybe this is the one word God wants me to pray, and this is all He wants me to pray right now.
And then one night it was just me and God because my husband was out of town on business. And I started listening to a lady who was teaching about tongues, and I was practicing. And slowly some new sounds were coming out of my mouth. Then all of a sudden I just got BAPTISED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT! It was so crazy! The Holy Spirit came on me so hard. I could feel the weight of the Holy Spirit on my head, and He gently pushed my head down and I got hot from the top of my head all the way down to my feet. Just really hot. And tongues just came pouring out of me. My mouth could barely keep up with how fast the words were flowing out of me. And the fire of the Holy Spirit was all over me. This overwhelming, loving feeling came over me. And finally, the void in my heart was filled to overflowing. It was so tangible, and I never felt so loved I all of my life This was what I had been searching for, Jesus’ love. And in my mind I was thinking, “What is happening? This is crazy!” But it was so much fun at the same time! And I prayed in tongues like that for like an hour. And then being so naive and not really knowing what to do I just went to bed after that [laugh], which I later regretted. I should have stayed up with the Lord all night because it was such a special moment with the Lord. It was an Ebenezer altar of remembrance of a mighty act of God in my life that no one can ever take away from me. I was like, “Oh my goodness, God exists, He hears me, He cares about me, He loves me, this is for real!” But yeah, I wish I had stayed with the Lord longer that night.
So, after I started getting on fire for the Lord, then I started to get these attack dreams, which was weird because, up until then, I dreamed very seldom. But now, I was having so many bad dreams with evil stuff happening. Because of this the Lord taught me a lot about discerning what dreams are from Him and what dreams are not from Him. When I first started having these dreams I didn’t think much of them because I didn’t know that God can speak to us through our dreams. I mean I know He spoke to Pharaoh and King Nebuchadnezzar through dreams, but me? That didn’t even occur to me until one night when I dreamed that my friend was in the hospital and me and some other friends brought her cupcakes. That was my dream. And the next day a friend called me up and said, “Hey our other friend is in the hospital and we’re going to visit her. Would you like to come with us?” And I was like, “Sure!” So, my friends came to pick me up to go to the hospital and when I got in their car my other friend said, “Hey I got some cupcake for her.” And I was like, “WHAT?!!! I just dreamed about this!!!” So that was when I started paying more attention to my dreams and writing them down.
So then, this is really interesting. One night I had a very vivid dream where I was being shown a map and things were being pointed out to me on the map. Cool things! But then all of a sudden I heard a voice say, “Not every dream is from the Lord!” And immediately I was pulled out of the dream and sat straight up in bed. And it really felt like someone pulled me out of the dream. So, then I realized that discernment is needed when it comes to dreams, because not every dream is from the Lord. So, it was really merciful of the Lord to give me that guidance from Him so that I wouldn’t just go along with any dream I had.
So, I was on fire for the Lord, but I was still like that kid in the kitchen trying to help Daddy bake and making more of a mess. But I wanted to say, sometimes you think people have a religious spirit because they are so adamant about religious stuff, but actually they are on fire for the Lord, they’re just pointed in the wrong direction. God still loves them dearly because they’re His children even though they’re making a mess of things. And maybe they do have a religious spirit. I know I did, and the Lord had to deliver me from it. But Jesus did say He would rather us be hot than lukewarm. So, if you come across people like that, please think of younger me and be patient and forgive and pray for them. Thank you, God for whoever was praying for me. Some of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is docility and being easily entreated. I’m still working towards those goals, but I trust God to accomplish it in me.
So yes, I did have a religious spirit, but the Lord used this to break me from pride, which because of my self-righteousness I didn’t even know that I was prideful. Jesus doesn’t like goats butting the sheep. And that's what I did one night when I went to Bible study at my church. I felt adamant about something, and before you knew it, I got everyone arguing about it and stirred up contention in the whole group. On the way home I had a really bad feeling in my gut. I felt like I was standing up for the Lord, but I couldn’t shake this bad feeling. So, when I got home I immediately went and prayed about it and clearly heard the Lord tell me that He was not pleased with how I had acted. Then I just felt so embarrassed I wanted to crawl under a rock. That was the beginning of my deliverance from pride and self-righteousness. Still working on those, but God’s brought me a long way. Thank you Lord! And thank you to everyone who had to be patient with me.
So, the Lord was growing me. But my growth really took off when, by God’s grace, I stumbled across the Still Small Voice channel on YouTube. God really started getting me pointed in the right direction, and started slowly, gently addressing the sins in my life. So, over the next few years I went through many breakings, and trials because that’s what God uses to make His diamonds! I am really grateful for the Still Small Voice channel.
So, backing up in my testimony, I want to tell you guys about a physical healing from God. When I was fourteen I got an auto-immune disease called Wegner’s Granulomatosis. It can affect your sinuses, lungs, and kidneys but I only had it in my sinuses, so they called it Limited Wegner’s. I was sick for a whole year, but God took care of me. I had peace through all of it and that was actually the first time I listened to the audio Bible because I was lying in bed all day and didn’t have much to do. But that was really a blessing and in the end the elders of our church prayed over me and the medication they treated me with was effective and my disease went into remission. Praise God!
But the doctors warned me that I might have a relapse and that’s what ended up happening except that this time the disease manifested itself differently so that I didn’t recognize that it was my auto-immune disease. I had pain all over my body, but it came on very gradually over the course of seven years. So, before we had kids I worked at a house cleaning company called The Maids which was also very good for my sanctification. So, you know how I was very self-righteous? Well, a bunch of Hispanic women worked at The Maids and let me tell you, you can’t out work them. They would work so fast, so well, and so efficiently I would always fall behind. And that was a big hit to my pride because I realized I was the person on the team dragging everyone down. They would finish their work and have to come and help me out on mine. So, thank you Lord for humbling me in that way.
So back to my auto-immune disease, I was cleaning a sink one time with The Maids, and I realized just how much pain my hands were in, and I was wondering if it was normal. So, the pain came on gradually and I started getting really tired too. And I didn’t mention my pain to anyone because I wanted to offer the suffering to the Lord, but then it got to a point where I was having trouble functioning and even walking. I was very tired and mentally foggy, and my lungs started spasming and making me cough. So, at that point I told my husband, and I went to Patient First and they did an x-ray and found a mass in my lung and sent me to the emergency room.
And I didn’t know what was wrong with me, at first. I was like, “Oh no I have cancer!” But no, it turned out it was all my auto-immune disease. And that was such an ordeal because we had trouble getting a Rheumatologist Specialist to treat my rare disease. And backing up, before I told my husband and I was still in so much pain, I had really gotten to the end of myself and I told the Lord, “I can’t go any further and I just want to go to Heaven, but I can’t do that because I have my family to take care of.” And He gave me numerous Rhemas about healing, but I couldn’t understand how that could happen and my faith was hanging by a thread. But He faithfully brought me through all this and by a miracle we were able to see a Rheumatologist. Because, guys, you don’t understand, every Rheumatologist I called said they couldn’t see me until three months out. And I was like, “Three months out? I’m going to be dead by then.” But God faithfully provided. I ended up seeing not just any Rheumatologist, he was the head of the whole Rheumatology department. And so, I was able to get the treatment that I needed, and I started the healing process. Thank you Jesus!
So now I’m doing quite well, but I had to share that testimony because it’s in those worst storms of our lives that God shows Himself most faithful. And that trial really built my faith and trust in Him. And I was like, “Lord, I am sorry for having so little faith in You, because You told me you were going to heal me, and I didn’t really believe You.” And it’s like, “Wow God! Thank You! You are such a good Father!”
So that’s sort of the end of my testimony but there’s a few more things I need to add. So back when I first got on fire for the Lord, Jesus really responded back to me. You know how the Bible says, draw near to the Lord and He’ll draw near to you. That’s how it was. I started drawing near to Him and He started manifesting Himself to me. So, for example, besides dreams I don’t see things in the Spirit, but I do feel things in the Spirit. Which is so cool! And I was really weirded out by it at first. I don’t know if it was the Lord, or my guardian angel or Blessed Mother, but I would feel someone come and put their hand on my back or kiss me on my forehead. And I could feel the Lord’s presence like that all throughout the day. And it started to be so comforting. Like King David said, “I saw the Lord always at my right hand.” Only it was like, “I felt the Lord always at my right hand.” [laugh]. And that gift has stayed with me to this day and whenever I’m discouraged or even when I’m just resting on my bed, He’ll come and touch me, and I know that He’s there and that He cares and that He wants to talk to me and encourage me. So, I also feel like Blessed Mother comes and touches me on the check too!
Which leads to my testimony about Blessed Mother, which I can’t leave out. So, on the Still Small Voice channel, God gave Mother Clare the wisdom not to introduce us right away to Blessed Mother Mary, Jesus’ mother because the majority of the audience were Protestants. And I’m really glad the Lord did it that way because the religious spirit in me would not have allowed me to be receptive to Blessed Mother at that time. It took time to build trust. And after several years of really beautiful teachings that led all of us into deeper intimacy with the Lord that trust was established. Then, at the right time, the Lord introduced His mother to us which really separated the wheat from the tares. I was unsure what to think of it at first. Mother Clare started us on praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet which only has one Hail Mary prayer in it. I had been taught that praying to Mary was idol worship, and yet I trusted Mother Clare. I didn’t know what to do, so I would pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and skip over the Hail Mary prayer.
Then Mother Clare introduced us to the Rosary prayer, and I realized I was going to make a solid decision. In fact, everyone on the channel would have to make a decision. But God had already laid the groundwork in me to receive His mother into my heart. I decided I would at least give it a try, so one night I listened to a video on YouTube called, “The Rosary for Beginners” which prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries. I was just blown away. It wasn’t idolatry at all. Rather it was a deep meditation on Christ’s sufferings as He went to Calvary for us. As I listened I could literally feel the anointing, and it moved me to tears. I knew that it was definitely from the Lord, and I asked Blessed Mother to come into my heart and guide me in pleasing her son, Jesus.
Several days later Blessed Mother delivered me from a deep depression I had been going through at that time. I was lying in my bed crying and all of a sudden I was flooded with peace and the heavy oppression lifted. It was incredible. I got up and started praying the Rosary again and this time I reflected on all that Mary suffered in giving up her son to die for the sins of the world. I was a mother, and I had my babies at this time, and I suddenly realized that Jesus was her baby. Mary gave up her son, her baby to suffer in such a horrendous and humiliating way. My heart broke for her, and the Lady Mary’s presence came all around me and she walked me through our Lord’s passion and allowed me to feel her sorrow. Her heart was truly pierced for our sake, because of the death of her Son. And I just started telling Mary how sorry I was for my sins that had led her Son to the cross for me. I told her how sorry I was for her suffering. I was gushing tears as I felt her pain. And that was when God dedicated me to His mother. After this meditation I got the Rhema, “There are wonders stored up in Heaven for you.” I had no more doubts about Blessed Mother.
Mother Clare went on to teach us more about Mary and her role in our lives. She taught us that we were not praying to Mary, rather we were asking her to come along side us and pray for us in the same way you would ask your mom or a good friend to pray for you. She taught us that Christ’s body was not divided. God’s people in Heaven and God’s people on Earth are one body of believers and that the people in Heaven pray for us just as we pray for each other down here on Earth. Mother Clare said that we do not come from a single parent home. Jesus gave His mother to be the mother of all Christians. She loves us very much and her desire is not to get glory for herself, but to bring lost souls to her Son Jesus.
Mother Clare went on to explain how the Rosary prayer is straight out of scripture. The beginning part, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,” is Gabriel’s angelic greeting to Mary which is written in the Bible. And the next part, “Blessed are thou among women,” was how her cousin Elizabeth addressed her in the Bible. And Mother Clare also taught us about the incredible History of the Rosary and how it started. It was given in the 13th century to St Dominic and those who prayed the Rosary were spared the Black Plague which many were dying from at that time.
So, I wanted to share with you guys my testimony concerning Blessed Mother because after I started praying the Rosary Blessed Mother really started helping me get my sin nature under control. Back then I really struggled with anger and losing my temper with my kids. I still have trouble with that, but I have grown so much in patience since I started praying the Rosary.
Also, I wanted to share with you guys, one cool thing that happened back when I first started getting on fire for the Lord is I started seeing numbers. I didn’t really know what numbers meant but as a child I had been taught that 7 was the number of completion and I always felt like 7 was God’s number and 6 was Satan’s number. And when I got on fire for the Lord, I started seeing the clock end in seven. Every time I looked at the clock it would end in seven to the point that I couldn’t help but notice and wonder what it meant. Then I started seeing other numbers like 111, and 222, and 333, and 444, and 555. And I learned later that 1 is the number of God the Father, 2 is Jesus’ number, 3 is the number of the Holy Spirit, 4 is Blessed Mother’s number, and 555 five means suffering because of the 15 secret tortures Christ endured and it also means triple grace to get through suffering. And for me 11,11 is my Rapture number. I also started seeing 89 everywhere and that’s my Birthday year. So, whenever I saw 89 I felt like the Lord was just saying, “I love you!” I don’t know if that happens with you guys, but yeah, it was cool! So, God was using this to speak to me.
I know my testimony is so long, but I feel led to share two pieces of marriage advice because I’ve been through the school of hard knocks when it comes to marriage. My first piece of advice is, don’t let the kids divide you. It should be you and your spouse vs. the kids. So, for example, my son comes to me, and he wants something, and I don’t think it’s a good idea, but Daddy overhears the conversation and Daddy says, “Yeah you can do that.” Then because my husband said it’s ok, I will yield my wishes to his and say, “Yeah you can do that, daddy said it’s ok.” And vice versa the kid might want something and come to daddy. And daddy might think it’s ok, but he’ll ask me first what I think, and I’ll tell him, “This sneaky kid already came to me, and I told him no.” So, then my husband will honor my wishes over what the kid wants and tell our son that he can’t have what he wants.” So, this brings protection in our marriage because the mutual respect between us builds love and trust and unifies us in our marriage. The only time you shouldn’t yield to each other like this is if you feel that it is something sinful. But then you would want to loving talk to your spouse about your concerns in private and not dishonor your partner in front of the kids.
My other piece of advice for marriage is, let them be who God made them to be. Don’t try to manipulate them into being who you want them to be. Don’t try to fix them. Don’t try to change them. Don’t try to sanctify them. Lol. That’s God’s work. Your job is just to love them and pray for them. It’s the love that people respond to. People don’t respond to nagging. That just turns them off. So let them be who God made them to be and you do your best to be a Christ like servant to them.
In fact, I had a dream once about a race. And in this race instead of everyone trying to be first everyone was jumping backwards and trying to be last. Be the last of all, and the servant of all. That is the example our Lord set for us. Love your spouse even with their flaws and be gentle like a lamb. If a dog bites a lamb the lamb doesn’t bite it back. In the same way the Lord has called us to be sheep. Not goats that butt people. So, this is my marriage advice.
The Lord has really turned my life around. Finally, the void in my heart had been filled with His love! And not only that but He’s given me a purpose and a destiny in Christ. He gave me the gift of art, and me and Holy Spirit made many beautiful paintings together, which you have been seeing in this slideshow. If you would like to see, I'll put a link to my Pinterest channel in the comments below. He also had me join Mother’s Elisha’s prayer intercessory team. The Lord is so good to those who seek Him. And so patient with us too. Thank you Jesus!
On a different topic, I am going to make another video about tongues because the Lord gave me an awesome dream about tongues……
See Lisa’s message entitled “Lisa’s Dream: Tongues, Super-powers!”, which is the teaching that she refers to above.
Be blessed….
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