3 years ago

9:56 Clip from STS 483- JOY & PEACE IN BELIEVING. 1/3/1971, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille *The link for the whole teaching will be in the comments. About 5 minutes in: Biblical accuracy. By the time the wise men (Magi) visited Jesus bringing him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh he was no longer a baby in a stable but was as this painting depicts, a young boy (appx 1-1/2 years old). Else, why would Herod have all the children two years and under killed (allowing for some error)? It was from the information he had gotten out of the Magi as to when they had first seen His Star (Jupiter and Regulus in a very unusual triple conjunction, Jupiter appeared to go into retrograde motion and then moving forward again).
The painting is called "The Holy Men" painted by Liz Lemon Swindle.

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