2021 DEC 23 The Irish Inquiry Aisling O’Loughlin Interviews Riccardo Bosi

3 years ago

Aisling O'Loughlin interviews Riccardo Bosi from Australia One Party

Riccardo Bosi is a consultant in leadership, strategy and innovation, and is also a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel.

He is now the leader of A1 Party and has big plans and high hopes for Australia's future.

A1 is the party for decent everyday Australians who want the best future for themselves, their families, their local communities and Australia.

A1 must take back control of our local councils, as well as our state and federal parliaments. No matter who you are, here’s your opportunity.

A1 is committed to strengthening Australia as a sovereign, self-reliant, Judeo- Christian western democracy which is economically powerful, militarily intimidating, politically free, culturally vibrant, and socially cohesive.

Join Aisling O'Loughlin for this extended interview with the inspirational Riccardo Bosi.

ORIGINAL SOURCE The Irish Inquiry: https://t.me/TheIrishInquiry/97

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