Do not get the vaccine!!! It is demonic!!!!

3 years ago

The vaccine is made by very wicked people and everyone who gets it are suffering from it and changes your DNA, it has aborted babies in it and is the mark of the beast!! Once you get it that is it for you you belong to Satan and the antichrist new world government forever and no going back for you or heaven!! God will never forgive anyone who gives out the vaccines and gets them they are wicked and lost people and will suffer God wrath in the tribulation they will get painful boils on themselves and demons will torment them and in revelation it says then I saw a third angel and he yelled woe unto everyone who worships the antichrist and got his image for they shall suffer the fierce fiery wrath of the Lamb about to be poured out and will get painful boils on themselves and will be thrown into the lake of fire and will be tormented with burning sulfur and brimstone in the presence of the Lamb and His angels and they shall be tormented forever and ever!! The antichrist beast world is here and so many fools are getting the vaccine and even churches are giving it out!!! And do not know it but they worship Satan and the antichrist now and belong to Satan forever!!! Once you eat the forbidden fruit that is it for you!! Esau sold his birthright for food and gave it up and people are to!! God can't be mocked people will reap what they sow , beloved remember your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and anyone who destroys their temple God will destroy them!!

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