Engineer Wayne Coste: “Propelled Demolition” in the Mechanics of the Twin Towers Destruction

3 years ago

What is “Propelled Demolition”? and how might it differ from traditional Controlled Demolition?

Can a consistent hypothesis be created that knits together the evidence presented by my previous guests on RichardGage911Unleashed?

What structural weaknesses in the design of the Twin Towers may have been exploited, resulting in the outward ejection of almost all of the building’s components?

How might a “Propelled Demolition” leverage resonance (natural frequency)?

What quantity of “energetic” materials must have been used? Where must it have been placed in the towers?

Why are there no distinct sounds of explosions except for those immediately preceding the destruction?

How is it that more than 1,000 victims of the Twin Towers disappeared without a trace?

Why was molten iron flowing from the South Tower near the point of the plane impact?

How did the plane enter the towers without "severing" the individual steel perimeter columns?

My guest tonight is Wayne Coste - a licensed professional engineer with nearly 50 years of experience, and a 9/11 Truth Analyst as well. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Connecticut.

He was on the AE911Truth board of directors and had been a volunteer there for 6 years. He launched Truth Outreach, Inc., which is the not-for-profit organization sponsoring the 9/11 Truth Action Project.

Wayne co-authored the paper "Ethics and the Official Reports about the Destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers (WTC1 and WTC2) on 9/11: A Case Study," which was presented at the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science and Technology.

Additionally, he coauthored the paper, “The World Trade Center Analyses: Case Study of Ethics, Public Policy and the Engineering Profession” in 2015. This paper was accepted by, SEFI, the European Engineering Association after a peer review process – and was published in the SEFI 2015 conference proceedings.

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