A Million Thank You’s!

3 years ago

This is Evangelist John Ramirez saying a million thank you’s from the bottom of my heart. I have no words to express my gratitude to my beautiful and amazing brothers and sisters who the Lord has truly blessed me to be part of this incredible family in Jesus Christ. We have come together like the early church in the book of Acts; just as they provided for each other’s needs, I am truly blessed to say and thank God for the remnant in the Body of Christ of how we all came together to be the hands & feet of Jesus Christ. We collected these donations so we can be a blessing to our amazing precious sister, Marie, who the enemy tried to destroy and totaled her car in the process. Even though she suffered injuries (recovering now) and the accident caused her car to be totaled, God received the Glory because what the devil meant for evil, God turned it around for good. Her only means of transportation was taken away temporarily as God has now provided a vehicle for her to get to the doctors appointments, church, etc., because of your precious donations. At 79 years old, running strong and still loving Jesus consistently and never stopping . This is something to admire. This is a miracle from God that could not have been possible without you my precious brothers and sisters. Thank you so much!

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