1887 Time Capsule Unearthed in Virginia After Removing a Robert E. Lee Statue

3 years ago

Upon moving the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Richmond, Virginia, there was a sought after time capsule from 1887 that was alleged to be there.

Conservators from the area thought there might be a very rare photo of President Lincoln, but that was not in the massive haul.

The statue that was moved in order to facilitate this discovery was done so as a massive virtue signal during the height of the 2020 Social Justice Reign of Terror, so as a thank you, a 2021 time capsule will take its place. It's being stocked with some of the most cringy collection of garbage you will ever see.

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/experts-open-time-capsule-found-at-gen-lee-statue-site_4181401.html
Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10350757/Second-1887-time-capsule-Gen-Robert-E-Lee-statue-REAL.html

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#TimeCapsule #RobertELee #Virginia

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