Mashi Babu - Please forgive me

3 years ago


You deserve this.

It has been a long time coming.

You will know what Mahshi Babu means.

Father of the mixture of foods and taste.. loosely my understanding.

More deeply, it means one who brings together in harmony.

You have been such a wonderful Jerk, that I must honor you now.

I do wish to honor the Entire Pub, once we are more aquatinted.

Perhaps I may share some playlists as you all may wish.

More refined of course, if anyone wishes it at all.

Believe me, Runar deserves this horseplay.
One of my long time beloved brothers.

Red, something for you soon if you want.
I will not do if any do not wish.🙄🦧

No, really.
I will not share my personal taunting of others.

This, Runar has a coming to him.

Please enjoy it my beloved brother!

Everyone else...
This is your brother Runar in all of his deep and wonderful naked Glory. Hallelujah 😋

Please forgive any indescretion in the video.

It is well meant to be a public display of your brother.

All Glory to God Almighty

Please forgive me if I offend anyone.😔🐒

Thank you all for blessing us together.

Now, let's have a smile on Runar!

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