CDC Makes Huge Concession, 3749

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the vax.

The US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has made a huge concession,
but nobody is talking about it.

Remember back when the CDC said that getting vaccinated would protect you from
getting COVID. Getting vaccinated was supposed to be the silver bullet that killed
COVID-19 because if everyone were vaccinated then no one would get the disease.
The CDC has radically changed its tune, and the silence about this massive change
in policy is deafening.

Here is what the CDC webpage now says under the heading “Vaccines”.

“Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant. However, breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated are likely to occur.

With other variants, like Delta, vaccines have remained effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. The recent emergence of Omicron further emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters.”

Note this is a huge difference from what the American people were told about vaccines when they first became available a year ago. Back then if you got the vaccine you didn’t have to worry about getting COVID because the vaccine would protect you. Now the CDC admits that a vaccine doesn’t even protect you from the Delta variant, so what does it protect you from?

CDC is admitting that the vaccine is even less effective against the Omicron variant. So you still get COVID, but the evidence is that Omicron is not very deadly. Since the original COVID and the previous mutations weren’t very deadly either nowhere near the 3 percent originally predicted, it appears the odds of dying from the Omicron variant are less than dying from the seasonal flu and if anyone in government was being honest, perhaps less than the chance of dying from the vaccine.

In Great Britain, a study shows that although the number of COVID cases has
increased dramatically with the new Omicron variant, the overall death rate in Great
Britain is declining. With the previous variants, the overall death rate increased.

Despite that, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering sending out door-to-door COVID vax patrols in an attempt to get the remaining 10% of the population to give in to what some skeptical hold-outs are calling the “death jab.”

Scientists are extremely reluctant to publicly say that the Omicron variant is not very
deadly, probably because they don’t want their government funding cut off, but in
country after country when the Omicron variant becomes the dominant strain of COVID
the death rate from COVID goes down.

So the big questions and the questions Dr. Grouchy should be asked every time he
pokes his head up out of his burrow is why should people still be wearing masks? Why
should people who aren’t vaccinated be punished? Why in fact should anyone get
vaccinated or get a booster if the dominant strain of COVID produces milder symptoms
and rarely causes death and the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting COVID.

According to the CDC all a vaccine does is make a mild disease somewhat milder. You
have to wonder what that means. If you haven’t been vaccinated and get the Omicron
variant and have a temperature of 101, does that mean if you had been vaccinated your
temperature would have only been 100? If you haven’t been vaccinated and get COVID
and cough for three days, does that mean if you had been vaccinated you’d only cough
for two days?

More information would be helpful, but it isn’t likely to come from government

We don’t close the country down in the winter when people are much more likely to
get colds and the flu. We don’t force people to get a flu vaccine even though every year
with the notable exception of 2020 tens of thousands of people die from the flu. What is
it about COVID that is causing the federal government to lose its mind?
It is way past time for the federal government to come clean with the American
people and give them scientific data and not scare tactics.

In March 2020 we were told that the hospitals would be overrun with cases if
the government didn’t shut down everything. Now we are being told the same thing
because Omicron is more contagious than the earlier variants ignoring the fact that it
also produces a much less severe illness and if the government is to be believed the
200 million Americans that have been vaccinated are likely to have milder symptoms
from what is reportedly a mild disease.

It’s the same old story. We can’t let the hospitals become overrun, so it sounds like
we are headed for another shutdown but for what purpose. It didn’t work in 2020 or
2021 why would anyone think it would work in 2022.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day!

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