Planet Ponzi - Virus Distractions

2 years ago

Planet Ponzi - Virus Distractions

Dec. 28, 2021

The Greatest Economic Plunder In World History

As the global economy struggles to avoid meltdown, so the greatest Ponzi scheme in history approaches its final death rattle. Politicians have stood by and watched the financial industry create a massive overhang of debt, a mountain of low quality assets - and ultimately, an economic disaster which has dwarfed all others.

The Eurozone crisis and the LIBOR manipulation scandal are just two symptoms of a much broader problem: one of vastly excessive debt, regulatory failure, a culture of deceit on Wall Street and the City of London, and governments that have promised their citizens far more than they can deliver. In Planet Ponzi, Mitch Feierstein tells you what's happened, what will happen next and how to protect yourself and your family. The must-read book on the financial crisis.

The Federal Reserve is charged with preserving the value of the currency, but it has printed trillions of dollars in new money. When inflation is galloping away. And the Fed doesn't even know where those trillions have disappeared to. That's insane.

The Congressional Budget Office tells us that Medicare spending is going to bankrupt the budget. (You can see their chart of federal debt here.) We're not talking about a few bucks of overspend, but a cost tsunami which will utterly destroy every fiscal rule ever invented. That's insane.

The Tea Party crowd want us to cut taxes, even though we don't have enough revenues to cover our expenses as it is. And a tax cut when the nation is in deficit is really a tax increase, because you have to pay the money back again, and with interest. More insanity.

And Wall Street bosses pay themselves extraordinary bonuses even though their stock prices are tanking. That's not capitalism as I ever understood it. You can call it insanity if you wish, or criminality if you prefer. Either way, I don't like it.

But these things aren't confined to the United States. In Britain, we see the same thing: investment banking bosses trashing their company's share price, bankrupting the government, causing a massive recession – and walking away as multi-millionaires.

In Italy, we saw how Silvio Berlusconi, one of the political world's greatest idiots, presented an 'austerity budget' to Italy's Parliament which made him personally €750 million richer.

The Greek government has been obviously bankrupt for years, but it's taken till now for Europe to recognize the fact. Defaults are on the horizon…

The European Union announces another 'rescue plan' that will impose vast costs on the 'strong' governments, but which has obviously failed within a couple of days of the announcement.

It's all insane. And not just insane – it's wrong. Ethically, financially, and socially wrong. Much of it is also, in my opinion, illegal and should be punished by long terms in jail.

It'll shout out when politicians and bankers do things wrong. It'll cheer on those rare occasions when politicians get things right. We'll also talk about the dollar in your purse, the pound in your pocket. The value of your savings is under threat and, as a professional investment manager, I'll share with you my philosophy on how to preserve your savings from destruction. These are dangerous times and they're only just starting.

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