Who are we at The Experience Media and why do we do what we do?

3 years ago

Tuesday, December 28, 2021.

Our Mission and purpose at The Experience Media is to tell the stories of the people in our community who are experiencing injustice of any kind. To tell the stories you will never hear about in most of the media here locally.

Our effort is to help these people be made whole in any and every way we can. We want to hold businesses, politicians, government officials, law enforcement, members of our criminal justice system and other individuals in our community accountable for their actions.

If these people break laws, or violate the rights of others, we want our justice system and civil court process to hold them accountable. We want this to be consistent across the board, for everyone, as opposed to the arbitrary, capricious and selective enforcement that has been the norm currently, and for far too long.

We want to help these collective parties to learn how they are affecting someone else and the toll it is taking on them. We want all of those involved to experience what the other party is experiencing so that a mutually agreeable resolution, and solution can be rendered. We also want people to become more compassionate, empathetic and sympathetic to those they see as less than themselves, for whatever reason.

All of us in this community deserve more. We deserve better from each other. It is in this spirit that we will work hard to hold ourselves accountable to our mission and purpose to make our community a better place, where we all understand each other in a much improved, loving and kind way.

We here at The Experience Media appreciate you trusting us to deliver to you, news you can trust. News that you can rely on. News that you know has been vetted and screened. News that gets you to ask questions of those in our community who are doing wrong and injuring others, and depriving them of happiness.

"Putting people, and their stories, first"
Pete Harding
The Experience Media
All Rights Reserved

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Email: theexperiencemedia@gmail.com

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