17年經驗護士目擊大量逆苗者不良反應甚至死亡! 僅有 1%-10% 逆苗後遺症被通報!變種與逆苗反應一模一樣!Nurse witnessed Only 1%-10% death or adversary effects reported! Variants and the Va666ines reactions are same!

3 years ago

17年經驗護士揭露 : 醫院目擊大量逆苗接種者發生嚴重不良反應,
結果僅有 1%-10% 逆苗後遺症被通報!變種與逆苗反應一模一樣!A practicing RN of 17 years, shares what she saw in the hospitals. The nurse revealed: Doctors and nurses witnessed serious adversary reactions in a large number of Cov!d Jabb patients.
Many people even died after Va666ines! There are many doctors who don’t even know what the reporting system of VERS is.
Only 1%-10% of the Va666ines sequelae were reported! The variants and the Va666ines adversary reactions are exactly the same!

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