The Ekklesia Project - Episode 51

3 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this episode, we discuss what might first appear to be a completely different topic in the middle of Paul's counsel regarding the married and unmarried members of the ekklesia. The passage considered is 1 Corinthians 7:15-24. We will compare the typical interpretation of the passage proffered by those embracing the church system with an interpretation that approaches the passage with a basic understanding of the teaching of the ekklesia of God. I believe you will find the interpretation presuming the veracity of the church system to be untenable, contradicted by the words of Jesus and Paul, and rejected by the conduct of the disciples and Paul. We will examine why this flawed interpretation was promoted and how such inherently wrong interpretations may cause infant believers to stumble or cripple their respect for Scripture as a relevant and applicable revelation of God.
On the other hand, I believe you will find the interpretation informed by the true teaching of the ekklesia of God to be powerful and insightful, providing essential understanding of important truths concerning the ekklesia of God and the calling of those who serve as her members.

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