GMO Tuesday PT 2...A look at "Sustainable Food Systems'...

3 years ago

For We have heard the buzz word "sustainable"...yet those promoting sustainable anything...are destroying the very thing they are screaming to protect...Our Earth...

In sustainable food system development, sustainability is examined holistically. In order to be sustainable, the developmentof the food system needs to generate positive value along three dimensions simultaneously: economic, social and environmental(Figure 2).On the economic dimension, a food system is considered sustainable if the activities conducted by each food system actor orsupport service provider are commercially or fiscally viable. The activities should generate benefits, or economic value-added, forall categories of stakeholders: wages for workers, taxes for governments, profits for enterprises, and food supply improvementsfor consumers.On the social dimension, a food system is considered sustainable when there is equity in the distribution of the economic value added, taking into account vulnerable groups categorized by gender, age, race and so on. Of fundamental importance, foodsystem activities need to contribute to the advancement of important socio-cultural outcomes, such as nutrition and health,traditions, labor conditions, and animal welfare.On the environmental dimension, sustainability is determined by ensuring that the impacts of food system activities on thesurrounding natural environment are neutral or positive, taking into consideration biodiversity, water, soil, animal and planthealth, the carbon footprint, the water footprint, food loss and waste, and toxicity.By way of illustration, any proposed measures to address a problem (e.g. animal diseases) or to take advantage of a newopportunity (e.g. a new green technology or profitable market), will have to be assessed against all other dimensions ofsustainability to ensure there are no undesirable impacts. How would these measures impact the use of natural resources?Or would these measures affect poor and rich farmers differently, thus perhaps increasing the divide between them? Or wouldthese measures have negative impacts on consumer health? This holistic vision allows us to use potential synergies and to revealoften hidden trade-offs, to ensure that while our targeted impact is positive, the net overall impact on the value added of the foodsystem activities will also be positive. An immediate result of this is the need for new or improved impact metrics.


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