enlarged & enhanced: Victoria White beaten - trapped between police

3 years ago

Thread: https://twitter.com/defnotdarth/status/1474846843800633345

As per @julie_kelly2, Victoria White was violently beaten while trapped between police on 1/6, while trying to escape to safety.

Here is enlarged & enhanced footage. You can see her climbing up to breathe fresh air, as she’s pummeled in the face by unnamed Metro PD supervisor.

NEW 1/6 ANALYSIS: I’ll use this thread as I look closer at the 1/6 footage. I’m finding many instances of the immense & unjustified violent behavior of some officers.

I just found this un identified woman in white, who is punched in the face as the officers push into the tunnel.

I narrated this, & it’s one of the scarier 1/6 examples.

The ONLY argument I could imagine to justify SOME of the police violence, is saying “protesters wouldn’t leave”.

Well could they? This man is kept from fleeing so they could beat him. That’s pure hate. Unadulterated rage.

I believe this officer, Ledge Guy, will appear more in my analyses. He repeatedly shows outward aggression far and beyond what’s justified.

As I mention in my narrated video, he uses force reserved for an aggressive attacker, against a defenseless women as he stomps on her face.

I have some contacts that can get me unreleased video footage of 1/6, including body cams & more!

Make sure to spread the word & follow. For the record, I have no issue with a cop engaged in mutual combat with a man.

But how hard is it not to pummel & face stomp unarmed women!?

My response to the leftists and democrats, and other former anti-police brutality activists (when it was convenient), in the replies to my thread...

I’ll concede plenty of points, however bad your straw men arguments are, to illustrate how none of them excuse this behavior!

NEW 1/6 ANALYSIS WITH AUDIO: New audio from inside the tunnel entrance, with the sync composite done by @bevo_fox.

It was hard to keep this short, as the audio adds so much context. From the sound of Victoria White’s skull being beaten, to others begging the police to stop.

Full 5 minute segment of the tunnel surveillance footage with AUDIO included, again compiled by @bevo_fox.

Feel free to isolate or clean up the audio further, which we have not yet done but intend to, and share your thoughts or findings in the comments!


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