Omicron "Tool of Tyranny" & Let's Go Brandon Speaks

3 years ago

"I didn't say anything because of my corporate sponsor," says Nascar driver Brandon Brown. He kept quiet until now. Million CEO John Graves joins the Victory Channel and explains how people have been living in fear of being de-platformed, but now Americans are starting to wake up. In other news, Omicron cases are plunging in South Africa, citing only 26.4% of their population is fully vaccinated, while the U.S. vaccination rate is over 60%. John Graves describes how the current administration is using the fear of the Omicron variant as a "tool of tyranny" which is slowly chipping away our freedoms. Finally, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem joined other legislators to block Critical Race Theory (CRT) from being part of College and School curriculums. "Our schools should teach our children our nation's true and honest history." John commends Gov. Noem for introducing legislation that will stop socialism indoctrination in our public schools John details the importance of States’ Rights regarding this issue.

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