Social Media (SoMe) Use Addictive ‘Brain Hijacking’ Methods via Deceptive Terms of Use..[27.12.2021]

3 years ago

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Social networking companies have allegedly been making products intentionally addictive by using 'brain hijacking' methods to maximize customer use and to make more profit.
Yet by doing so, these companies may be violating laws on child protection and on customer rights, according to cybersecurity and privacy adviser Rex Lee.

Predictive Programming (MKultra)
Social Engineering
'Signs and Symbols Rule the World, not Words nor Laws.' - Confucius

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Joshua Philipp is an award-winning investigative reporter, and an expert on issues including ideological subversion, front operations, disinformation, unrestricted warfare, and the historical roots of issues seen on the surface of today's politics and culture.

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Original titla: Social Media Networks Deploy Addictive ‘Brain Hijacking’ Methods Via Deceptive Terms of Use: Rex Lee
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