Joe Rogan Unplugged

3 years ago

Joe Rogan comments on pharmaceutical companies, the lack of focus on healthy lifestyles, and how bad lifestyle choices will eventually catch up with those who who self-righteously think they are protected by getting vaccinated when they have completely ignored basic health principles.

"The pharmaceutical companies are a bunch of money-hungry monsters that don't give a fuck about you. They are just concerned about making profits."

"For most people that are fat and unhealthy, look, you are fucked no matter what. Even if you don't get COVID, you're going to have a heart attack. You're not going to make it anyway . . . You can't exonerate yourself from decades of being a slob and being a person who has no consideration about their healthy, and their obesity, and about the kind of food they put in their body, lack of vitamins and exercise, and all the sudden you're health righteous?! Fuck you . . . You're telling me that you're the one doing the right thing, and the smart thing? And you're the one who is healthy? Get the fuck out of here. That's straight nonsense. You've got to confront these people on it because they run around all self-righteous: 'I got the shot and you're going to be in trouble if you get the COVID. Bitch, you're going to get COVID even after you get the shot..."


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