12-14-21 Part of my speech in front of the legislators from Arizona…

3 years ago

From Arizona’s public election forum I learned…

Canvass of 172 homes in Pima County found 62 early ballots where voter was not a resident, 45 PERCENT were potentially fraudulent.

There were a number of towns with more registered voters than voting age population!

I’m Topawa, Arizona…

Voting Age Population: 182

Registered "Voters": 288

158% Registration Rate

With one single location having 173 registered "voters"

Then there's Sells, Arizona…

Voting Age Population: 1,375

Registered "Voters": 2,762

More than DOUBLE registered voters than population

This one is my personal favorite:

Frat house in Arizona has 27 registered voters.

Their average age?


These same kinds of stats are all over the country!!

If you want clean voter rolls and honest elections vote and donate!!Rachel Hamm for Secretary of State for California.


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