Nigel Ferage the shill tells truth. 4th Jag/Jab.

2 years ago

The 4th jab...admitted but soon the 5th

I don't lie but it takes time for confirmation and gain publicity so be patient with me.

My predictions were spot on.
I keep you ahead if you don't panic.

Check out my latest and most recent in B(Sh)itchute, all other work is lost, from 2000- odd to 2018...but it all came to pass up until now..hold on tight as 2022 is the year of pain. ready.
Join like minded groups/people.
If you are a pacifist..stay oot oor way!Stay hidden, silent and leave no trace..this thinking must be adopted for the future, practice and make it habit.
Get used to being alone or connect now!

Much L❤️VE


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