Fresh Water Meets Sea Water – WITH Meditation

3 years ago

This is the Fraser River Delta just in front of Vancouver BC Canada, this is where sea water meets fresh water.

The river water from Fraser River, flows into the ocean water of the Strait of Georgia.

Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different bodies meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier creates a noticeable line, as each water body has its own temperature, salinity, and density.

If you go on google earth and look up Fraser River or Sea Island which is an airport right at the water edge, you will see this boundary line stretching for miles.

This is the religious event people relate this water barrier to.

QUR’AN 25.53 - And he it is who has let flow forth the two large bodies of water, one sweet and palatable, and the other salty and bitter; and He has set a barrier and an insurmountable, forbidding ban that keeps them apart.

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