Trotsky in New York: The Plot Thickens - part 3

3 years ago

In chapter 11 of the book the author finally gets to the Jewish oligarchic financier Jacob Schiff, but only as a stage-setter involving two other characters seemingly on opposite sides of the British-German conflict. In the end the question remains regarding the later events of 1917: the Russian revolutions, the Balfour Declaration, and America's entry into the war. Stay tuned...

In this third and final part I take a look at the author and then the third character here, the pro-German (?) Russian Marxist revolutionary Parvus, who sees a one-front war as bait to the Germans for aiding in the Russian revolution (like Max Warburg I suppose). But where will all this scene-setting lead us? Surely not to an alternative ethnic view of who actually led America into "Europe's war"?? Will this come down to Wiseman being a House-aligned Quigley/Bircher Anglo-American imperialist, or just another dumb and/or greedy goy being manipulated from behind the blue curtain? And what of Trotsky's role, is he just a bit part in this drama? As I said, stay tuned...

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