NYPD Rookie Cop Performs Wild Lap Dance On Her Boss At Christmas Party

3 years ago

A NYPD rookie cop, Vera Mekuli, performed a wild lap dance on her boss at the police Christmas party. The NYPD lap dance-loving cop’s wife went nuts on the investigating reporter yelling ‘F You!’. We've got all the details and reaction. #PoliceChristmasParty #LapDance #NickMcGarry #VeraMekuli #BossDemoted #BossResigns #WifeFurious #WildLapDance #Rookie #Lieutenant #RookieCop #HolidayParty #ChristmasDance #Christmas #NYPD #NYPDHolidayParty #TFSF #TheFreeSpeechForum #Podcast

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