🛑BOMBSHELL! The COVID-19 Crime Exposed! 🛑 STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING - Dr. David Martin

3 years ago

The entirety of this thing was an organized criminal conspiracy.  We have enemies foreign and domestic, and they have admitted to their crimes in public.  This is not an investigation.  All we have to do is charge the crime.  Because they have already admitted to it.

This is the perpetrators with their own published statements.

Any Attorney General that ignores this, is not concerned about the best interests of their citizens.  Because the evidence is so direct and so compelling, there's no way anyone can avoid seeing the truth if they just open their eyes and look.

1000 Doctors in Germany are filing a lawsuit against forced vaccinations.  Watch Dr. David Martin's explosive interview with those doctors - It's time to Connect the Dots. You can find Dr. Martin online at: 👉 davidmartin.world 👈

Dr. Martin began speaking to Congress, or rather warning both Congress & U.S. Intelligence Agencies, of the bioweapon CORONAVIRUS in 1983. Whether you choose to agree with Dr. David Martin's knowledge and statements herein or not, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY & YOUR COUNTRY to listen to this interview. He is not placing President Trump in the light millions of us have kept him in which is tough to swallow.

I, however, TRUST THE PLAN, and that is the ONLY part of Dr. Martin's perspective that is not included within his many interviews across social media. If The Plan is real as I believe it is, then remember this: We have been told we are dealing with PURE EVIL, and there will be (have been) casualties in any war....Including this one - WW3. And if Prez Trump relinquished control at some point in 2019 or 2020 to the only military left to trust, not even Dr. Martin would know this. And that one act relinquishes Donald Trump's involvement with the Deep State. #TrustThePlan #HoldTheLine #FJB #LetsGoBrandon

h/t TyrannisCave

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