Do the math

3 years ago

How does someone order 500 million tests for covid and there yet be lines all over the place before during and after Christmas for these tests? We only have three hundred and thirty million people in this country so why are there lines? Did you ever think that he lied? Did you ever think that Joe Biden lied about ordering 500 million test? Cuz it's obvious that he lied to us again? How many more lies you going to take before we kick these fuckheads out of office? Don't bother getting the shot. It's not a vaccine it's a therapeutic because it only lasts about three months. I like seeing this supposed to cover you for life. Remember when you got your polio vaccine some of you smallpox measles mumps rubella? Yeah you need to boosters. As a baby. So where adults had his work well it's not going to work like he was you when you were a child. Could you had to clean new immune system. A newborn baby does not have an immune system and that's why you let them be accessible to germs so their immune system can produce the antibodies against that germ. That's why it's okay if a baby is crawling on the floor that you just cleaned and puts his hands in his mouth he's not going to die. He's not going to have three heads popping out of his shoulder like a Terry Oma. For those that are fans of Lucy daughter of the devil you know what I'm talkin about. Anyway the math does not add up. If you order 500 million then why is there a shortage when the country only has 330 million?

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