Living By Heart | Live By Heart Today #51

2 years ago

LBHT #51 - Dawn and Wendy have a heart to heart about how we can navigate uncertainty and remain on target to reach our personal goals by living by heart.

We'll talk about some of the positive results that occur when we practice heart coherence; like shifting our nervous system into a state of calm self-awareness that boosts our internal immunity protocol.

Join us as Dawn and Wendy share how the practice of heart coherence can create powerful personal transformations that grant us clarity and resolution.

This show is the last show of our Season 4 topic: Living Agreements. Each show is a self-contained mini-discourse that progressively compounds over its Season to support an over-arching topic of Self development.

Live By Heart Today is hosted by Dawn Spiegelberg, a Medical Intuitive and Coherence Coach and Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Transformation Facilitator. Produced and distributed by Retro Earth Studio.

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