My Most Constant Companion, This Hummingbird

3 years ago

I am happy to help this little guy and his two other friends..when they can get a chance to drink from the syrup. He chases them away often. I would like one or two more feeders so they can also get syrup, placed elsewhere on balcony. He is easily my most constant companion.

He hangs out in the tree directly in front of building, usually on the same branch location. He is out from just before Civil Twilight to just afterwards. They get up early, whether that is to evade other bird predators or needing energy asap, who knows. I think evading the larger birds is a big part of it, they are the first ones to arrive in the early morning and late evenings.

The syrup freezes in around two hours in current conditions, which are extreme for our region which the microwave helps to thaw out if I wait two hours to catch it. This is much colder than normal here, normally not freezing not for this long.

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