Playful sea lion acts jealous when marine iguana gets attention

2 years ago

Sea lions are the most loveable and playful animals in the ocean. The juveniles are intelligent and curious and they often seek attention from scuba divers who enter their world. These divers entered the water to meet and photograph marine iguanas, one of the most fascinating and unique creatures on the planet. Found only in the Galapagos Islands, they are famous for their evolutionary adaptations that allow them to hold their breath and dive deep under the waves to feed on algae. This is crucial to their survival because vegetation is sparse during the dry season in this hostile environment.

The sea lion in this video is tent on playing with the divers and he loops and circles them, demanding their attention with his antics. For a few minutes, the divers are captivated by his dog-like behaviour and imploring eyes. He is as much like our loveable canine companions as an animal can be and he is happy to play and cavort until he becomes exhausted. But the discovery of a marine iguana munching on the algae captures their attention and the sea lion is confused. He seems to understand that the iguana has ruined his fun and that he is now second fiddle to a lizard. When his twists and turns don't get the attention of the divers, he gently grabs the iguana by the neck and pulls him up and away, as if trying to tell him he's not welcome.

After a few playful nips and pulls, the iguana is adrift in the current and the sea lion goes back to rolling and blowing bubbles for the divers. Listening carefully, we can hear the sea lion making sounds that are remarkably similar to sinister laughter.

Sea lions have complex personalities and an unmistakable sense of humour. They will often let out grunts of triumph or what seems to be laughter, as we hear on this occasion. The sea lion seems to have no interest in harming the iguana, although the adults will occasionally eat one. The marine iguana doesn't panic. It seems as if he's experienced pranks like this before. He slowly drifts to the surface for a breath of air. He will return to the bottom to feed more before he becomes too cold to remain in the water.

Marine iguanas bask in the sun to warm their bodies for better movement and digestion. They feed for roughly 30 minutes each day. It's a race against time as they lose their body heat in the cool water. The sea lion might have lots of time for leisure and play, but for the iguana, the heat of the day is a serious time in which to gather food.

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