Spider-Man: No Way Home, Sing 2, The Matrix Resurrections = Box Office Movie Mashup, Flash Fiction

3 years ago

This is a box office movie mashup combing the top 3 movies of this weekend's box office into one premise and storyline, by combining the world of spiderman no way home with the characters of Sing 2, set in the story of The Matrix Resurrections to create a new premise and storyline.

Premise: A group of magical friends tries to persuade a reclusive rock star to join them for a new show by presenting a number of worlds and realities that show what life would be like if he doesn't.

Storyline: A reclusive rock star's reclusion gets interrupted when a group of superpowered friends invites him to join them in a new show that promises to save the world by breaking people out of the false reality. But the group of friends doesn't realize is that the rock star has made several incarnations of himself in several realities to protect himself, and the group of friends must get to and persuade them all in order to persuade him to join them for a show to save the world that's dead.

In A Box Office Movie Mashup entitled "Resurrection Songs 2 Home."
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#howtowriteastorylineforamovie #matthewmcconaugheysing2 #keanureevesthematrix4 #lanawachowskimatrix4 #creatingastoryline
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#creativewritingprompts #flashfictionstories #writersonyoutube #willemdafoespidermannowayhome #writingstorylines #fanfictionstories​​
#comicsgate #fandommenace #thefandommenace

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