Shelby Grace Allen- Severe Adverse Reaction: Guillain-Barré Syndrome

3 years ago

Shelby Grace Allen
Pfizer October 2021
Severe Adverse Reaction:
Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Shelby just 17-Year-Old Developed Guillain-Barré — a condition she developed after receiving a COVID vaccine.

She started experiencing back pain and tingling in her arms and her symptoms progressed until she found herself unable to feel her arms and legs while bowling with her school’s team.

“I’m on the bowling team in Dyer County, and I noticed when I was throwing the ball, I couldn’t feel my arm and legs,” So, I was freaking out.”

Her parents took her to a doctor in Jackson, Tennessee, where she was diagnosed with GBS. She was admitted to the ICU at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital for treatment.

“When we got in, my doctor … told me right off the bat what she thought it was. She said ‘you have Guillain-Barré.

She was moved out of the ICU at Le Bonheur and she is determined to walk at her graduation.

“I should be able to walk and get my diploma in March,” Allen said. “I’ll be graduating high school. I should be able to walk on that stage and I’m determined to do that.”

Allen said she feels blessed. “I could be dead, or I could be paralyzed.”

she tells her experience to WKRN in this video

Tennessee, USA

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