Harry Dent: Greatest Stock Market Crash of Our Time is Coming, First Plummet in Q1

3 years ago

Harry Dent: Greatest Stock Market Crash of Our Time is Coming, First Plummet in Q1

Dec. 21, 2021

Stansberry Research

The economy is in a bubble, and "you will see a 40-50% crash in the first two and a half months," following that bubble bursting, says Harry Dent, founder of HS Dent and editor of HS Dent Forecast.

The initiation of the Fed beginning to raise interest rates will promulgate the topping of this market, he tells our Daniela Cambone in this edition of Outlook 2022: The Tipping Point.

Dent believes we are near peak inflation levels, and says, "as soon as we come out of this downturn, you will not see inflation over a couple percent for the rest of my lifetime." Dent examines all of the leading indicators of what he calls building towards a crash, and "would be extremely surprised if we don't get that first crash starting in Q1."

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