Pia's Nature Retreat - Reconnect With Nature

3 years ago

Magic wood fire moments! “ Come on baby light my fire” …and then some!
We are not bragging that we are the only ones offering select quality apartments boasting designer fireplaces for unique warmth , coziness and sensual moments …Ok, ok… we ARE bragging, BIG TIME!
Proudly adding the powerful Leenders Arne storage stove to our Oranier and Schliser stoves at our property. Once you have experienced genuine wood-fire stove atmosphere, you will never want it any other way.
Yet another one of our USPs.....just sayin....
Contact us for special winter deals!
#fewobodensee #bodenseepage #servicedapartments
#echtbodensee #garden courtyard
#sustainability # climatechange #carbonfootprint
#renewableenergy energy

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