3 years ago

Expansion of the ongoing military applications up to the present day.

Army Intelligence Operative, Australian Commando, Hilton gunfight, NSW Wood Royal Commission into police corruption, Op Monarch & Travistock. Current day Agenda 21 depopulation programs with SCPS communist controls and the lethal, DNA changing Vaxx.

The genetic modification of the human race via a multi faceted variety attacks including emp, info, Psy, Mk Ultra, bio, nano, satellite, Ai and chemtrails, atmospheric nuclear Wigmer dust.

Secret Societies, Jesuits and the Secret Services work together against the masses.

My book “The Omega War Conspiracy” reveals the history of the Jesuits and the secret all sides work together and have done so for the last 500 years.

How the vax x is changing the DNA of humanity and the depopulation programs designed to AI control the minds of the masses.

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