3 years ago

Many people get married with the idea of never being lonely again. We Our natural tendency to want to both love and to be loved can find ourselves in the middle of so much activity, so many friends and family and experience deep loneliness. Many people have an aversion to loneliness, and they fill their lives with noise and clutter.
To understand loneliness better we can ask the question Why do we find loneliness so unpleasant? It has to do with our spiritual nature, with a very deep spiritual truth. Our natural tendency to want to both love and to be loved. This is a spiritual desire & need, not a material desire. It does not arise from the body or the mind. It comes from the eternal living being, you, me and everyone else.
Loneliness becomes more pronounced at the time of death. We tend to cover up loneliness with temporary relationships in this world. Covering up loneliness will not help. We need to find a solution. When we are not living in harmony with our true spiritual nature, we will experience difficulty, we will experience pain.

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