Christmas Reflections - Late Night Love 82

3 years ago

Dur to weather and internet issues we are redoing last night show, Join Jazz and Lubby for post Christmas Discussion.

Boxing Day – History, Traditions, and Celebration

Top 10 Ways To Beat The Post-Christmas Blues

50 Ideas to Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas

I slipped and told my kid i paid for toy that Santa brought. What do I do now??

Why was the actual birthday of Jesus Christ not recorded in history?

If a tenant’s rent check was lost in the mail and received two weeks late, can I still kick them out for non-payment?

Is 33 too old to have a baby? Does it mean you’re an old mom?

HOA founded after I bought my house. Can I be forced to join?

Can an 11-year-old sleep shirtless?

If your car is stolen, and then you just so happen to stumble across it parked in the street, are you legally allowed to steal it back then and there without calling the police or anything in the USA?

How do I say "No" (without feeling bad/guilty/embarrassed/rude) at the grocery store checkout register when they ask for a donation?

What has been your biggest surprise while being married to someone?

Why is it that as I get 12, I care much less about baking and decorating with my mother?

I have borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and extreme anxiety. I am so tired of taking all that medicine with its side effects. What can I do?

You find a new job, so you give your employer two weeks notice. Your boss then gets angry that you are quitting and tells you not to come back in anymore. How should you respond to your boss?

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