Omicron Variant – The Hoax Continues, 3746

2 years ago

Are you worried about trying to restore your damaged natural immune system after having to take the COVID vax or contracting COVID? Well, StemEnhance Ultra or SEU may help. SEU is THE most highly purified version of blue green algae, and blue green algae is now recommended by the World Health Council for the reduction of spike protein levels in the body. Spike proteins are the substances in both the COVID infection and the vax that do the most damage.

How does it work? SEU is one of the most powerful boosters of the immune system – the body’s own natural adult stem cells. One dose of SEU has been shown to boost your blood levels of adult stem cells by 33% in one hour.

Adult stem cells are the body’s repair crew. They can transform themselves into whatever repair cell is needed once it gets to the site of the injury.

For more info, go to
Then scroll down to the picture of the StemEnhange Ultra bottle and click on the “More Info” button. Leave your name, email address and phone number and John Kennedy, a naturopath in New Zealand, will call and assess your individual situation then recommend which of Cerule’s products will be best for you. Just go to and scroll down then click on More Info.

Merry Christmas to all those brave enough to venture into this space today. I’m still reporting on the anti-ivermectin hoax.

The news continues to pile up that a loose-knit conspiracy exists to minimize the benefits of two legacy drugs in the prevention and treatment of COVID, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

This is not some accident, it is deliberately fudging medical statistics on a worldwide scale to the detriment of these cheap, legacy remedies, which primarily benefits the billion-dollar, big pharma vax business.

Hydroxychloroquine was the first of the big two legacy drugs to be attacked. The New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet, two of the most respected medical journals in the world, were humiliated in unprecedented fashion after they had to admit publishing false information about the efficacy of HCQ in the treatment of COVID.

Although positive medical studies worldwide have continued to show that HCQ is safe and effective, it’s reputation has never been able to recover that initial smear.

Attacking the usefulness of Ivermectin was the next focus of the pro-vax crowd, but the big medical journals were now wise to the hidden influence of big pharma money supporting shaky studies, and so the task of smearing ivermectin was left up to the much less transparent world of government regulators to exaggerate any hint of a negative rumor to similarly stain Ivermectin’s reputation.

A new story in today’s Trial Site News runs down the details. Last September, a 79-year-old New Mexico cattleman’s death was labeled as New Mexico’s first ivermectin overdose fatality.
This was quickly followed by a second fatality which the media ran with due to the New Mexico Human Services Secretary, Dr. David Scrase, the state’s top medical officer, announcing that both deaths were caused by ivermectin.

Scrase waited 15 months to correct these assertions in a little-noticed Dec. 1 online press briefing, held after continued pressure from Trial Site News to provide the proof of his damaging assertions against Ivermectin, the anti-parasitic drug awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015.

“Now, Scrase has acknowledged that his repeated, what he called “offhand,” assertions were groundless. Two deaths were not caused by ivermectin…. Instead, he said that the pair died because they “’actually just delayed their care with COVID.’”

New Mexico officials had stalled the release of any further info on the 79-year-old cattleman, claiming they were awaiting a toxicology report. However, according to Trial Site News:

“Yet we learned that the report was never even ordered or done, and, moreover, the man’s death was ruled by the state’s coroner as being from “natural” causes.”

Scientists and toxicologists worldwide had questioned the assertions – probably the first serious adverse event suggestions against the drug.

According to the Trial Site News article:

“French researchers published a review last March of 350 ivermectin articles in the medical literature and found adverse effects to be ‘infrequent and usually mild to moderate.’ The study, by the French drugmaker MedinCell, noted that no deaths were reported [out of 350 studies!] even after accidental overdoses or suicide attempts.”

By the summer of 2021, ivermectin prescriptions were soaring as a non-vaccine alternative to COVID treatment. This was bad news for big pharma which apparently had even bigger plans for this pandemic.

On August 26th, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration tweeted out a national health alert – the highest of such warnings - despite Ivermectin’s safety and efficacy having been subsequently reinforced by a continual flow of studies worldwide.

The warning was based on unverified reports from Mississippi that their poison control center had been deluged with hundreds of calls over ingestion of livestock ivermectin.

Again, Trial Site News asked to be given the information that had spurred the national health alert. It turns out that there just three reports of alleged ivermectin side effects, two involving animal formulations. No one died and only one person was hospitalized, but even that hospitalization remains uncertain. So, it was on this slender thread that the CDC issued the nation’s highest-level health warning.

Trial Site News published an email from a CDC medical toxicity officer named Michael Yeh, sent on Aug. 17 of this year, which showed that the CDC was all geared up and waiting for some excuse – any excuse - to try to knock down the public rush to ivermectin.

After hearing about the Mississippi cases – which was only a rumor at that stage, Yeh wrote in the email: “Now it sounds like we have evidence of significant toxicity.”

So why are America’s premier medical experts so willing to accept any kind of story as justification to try to taint one of the safest drugs in the history of medicine?

Simple. It was all they had to justify the dominance of mass vaccination. If even one person could be proven to have been saved by ivermectin, then the multi-billion dollar vax business could be destroyed.

And this reasoning also goes for the headlong rush to vaccinate every last American right down to babies. If one single American is allowed to survive this pandemic without having been vaxed, then scientists from around the world will eventually begin studying the survivors and what they may ultimately find is that the survivors survived the the COVID scourge because they and they alone had fully functioning natural immune systems.

And what about the vaxed? Medical history may record at some point in the future that all of the vaxed have some degree of irreparable gene-level damage to their natural immune systems that made them totally dependent on only moderately effective, and expensive boosters, and the subsequent oral medications that big pharma churned out in the wake of perhaps the greatest medical crime in world history - a global destruction of the human natural immune system thanks to Wuhan-lab experiments in genetic-level tampering by communist China in an effort to create a bio-weapon.

Even worse, would be if this genetic change would be passed on from generation to generation, cranking out new humans with defective immune systems that would never again equal the pre-COVID immune systems of what would then be forever called “the purebreds.”

The folks behind this present day pandemic response would be hell-bent to stamp out the last purebred they could find, wouldn’t they?

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