3 years ago

The Ten Commandments delivered to Moses were not created in the moment but sometime in eternity past. Moses was a prince of Egypt during the first 40 years of his life. The second 40 year period saw him living as a shepherd and outcast. He must have thought his life was over but God had other plans.

We have a way of measuring time on earth but God has a completely different way of measuring time in heaven, and when He spoke to Moses from the burning bush, Moses didn’t know it, but he was about to embark on the third phase of his life.

The prophet Elijah was told to stay with a widow and it ended up being a symbiotic relationship that benefited everyone involved. Peter and John were told by Jesus to set up accommodations for the Passover meal. They were at the right place at the right time and met the right person and everything worked out just as Jesus predicted.

Philip was told by the Holy Spirit to intercept an Ethiopian eunuch traveling with armed guards because he was the Queen’s treasurer. This was a life threatening situation because they could certainly have killed anyone that charged such an entourage and yet that is exactly what the Holy Spirit told Philip to do. God refers to Himself as the “I am.” This means He is always in the moment, never early or late.
Sermon Outline

RLJ-1644 -- MARCH 25, 2018

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