Your Vaccines don't work

3 years ago

If you’re aware of the Globalist white papers, you knew that the Chinese Communst Party (CCP) Virus “vaccine” would eventually put people in the hospital in masses, and folks, it looks like that’s happening now. With the amount of sheep and indoctrinated going out in lines to take the jab, you knew that the slothing would eventually begin, and you also knew that too many vaccinated can’t be around each other with this type of “vaccine.”
The first big example of that was with Travis Scott’s Astroworld music festival, which required everyone in attendance to be vaccinated. With all of those people getting together in a close environment, it triggered a reaction that would cause several heart attacks and seizures, which would see a total of 10 die. On top of that, you also have people claiming that they felt like they were being “jabbed.” Things like this just don’t happen. And now we have another example of this going on, with those a part of the system claiming that it’s a “mystery illness.” Yeah right.

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