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![The Covid associated with 5G is a weapon of war](
The Covid associated with 5G is a weapon of war
"COVID-19" was planned long ago in documents and simulation exercises emanating from eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. A 200-level detailed platform is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism, to provide detailed instructions on how the "COVID-19 pandemic" is to be used to implement a global monetary reset [1], and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism, with China as the model.
Previous attempts have been made to engineer pandemics, but none have succeeded. This time, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it could declare a pandemic for spurious reasons. [2] Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an accused terrorist and genocidaire, was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate totalitarian control. [3],[4]
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Electromagnetic radiation, even non-ionizing radiation suppresses the immune system. 5G is implicated in the "COVID-19" pandemic through correlations between 5G deployment sites and morbidity / mortality, [5], [6] as well as flu vaccine administration in Wuhan [7] and Milan. [8] Symptoms of "COVID" are virtually identical to symptoms of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure. [9]
Extensive military research over many decades has been kept secret and regulatory agencies have been co-opted to prevent the public from learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation. [10] Physicians are not trained about the health risks of EMR exposure and therefore misdiagnose EMR symptoms. Hospitals are widely equipped with 5G, putting patients' lives at risk. 5G serves many purposes. It is a military and depopulation weapon and facilitates the introduction of the Chinese model totalitarian and controlling state, enabling surveillance, facial recognition, monitoring and control of the mind and body, and this is enhanced in combination of vaccines and chemtrails containing nanoparticles. The result is increased disease, damage to the immune system, and the killing of targeted individuals. [11]
EMF (Electric and Magnetic Fields) can be used to simulate pathogens and overload the immune system [12] and cell phones can be used to simulate "COVID-19 contagion" between co-workers or family members. 5G has been widely installed on land and in space to target and control populations. Illegal coronavirus measures have been used by governments to accelerate 5G deployment and install 60 GHz public access points in streets, schools, hospitals, and various public and private establishments. [13]
The pandemic was implemented in several countries: [14]
To remove civil liberties
To destroy economies
To shut down small and medium-sized businesses [15]
To impoverish people, including by destroying jobs
To remove children from their families
To intern dissidents and enemies of the state in concentration camps
To grant immunity to government officials for committing crimes [16]
To use police, army, and mercenaries to control populations
To force vaccination of populations with a non-medical vaccine containing population control mechanisms without their informed consent. [17]
There was and is no pandemic, since the virus has a 99.98% survival rate, since the virus is less lethal than seasonal flu, since false PCR tests that are not used to identify contagion were used giving false positives and inflating the numbers of contagions worldwide, since more than 95% of the deaths were not due to covid, but just occurred from being diagnosed (using the PCR test) with covid and, being with at least 3 other chronic diseases, or being elderly with already weakened immune systems. Another contributing factor to the increased number of deaths falsely reported as COVID-19 were the "treatments" proposed with the full intent of causing more deaths. Ventilators and a fatal drug called Remdesivir - which causes various complications - are just a few examples of treatments that were purposely used in hospitals to help create the image of a deadly virus. [18] ALSO, numbers of hundreds of other diseases such as: influenza, dengue, zika, pneumonia, and hundreds of other chronic diseases have dramatically decreased and have been put on the account of COVID. There have been several cases of individuals who have died from accidents and have been reported as "covid deaths".
A Stanford University antibody study concluded that the mortality rate is between 0.1 and 0.2%, in line with seasonal flu. Initial mortality rates projected by the World Health Organization "were 20 to 30 times higher." [23] In June, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed that the overall infection mortality rate (IFR) was only 0.26%, much lower than the WHO estimate of 3.4% , which helped drive panic and blockades. [24] But even that is an overestimate: the infection mortality rate for non-residents in nursing homes is probably only 0.1% or 1 in 1,000.
The PCR test, which was never intended as a diagnostic test and gives up to 94% false positive results, is used by oligarchs and government-controlled social media platforms to terrorize populations in order to gain obedience. The illusion of a pandemic is fueled by doctors being forced to attribute virtually all deaths to "COVID." Medical staff and doctors are intimidated to prevent them from telling the truth about the fake pandemic. In the UK, death certificates are being altered to prevent relatives from questioning the cause of death. [19]
Tens of thousands of doctors have now confirmed that "COVID-19" is a hoax. [20], [21] Unfortunately, they are all censored, ridiculed and shunned for speaking the truth, because all the world mainstream media is actually run by a few people who are members of NOM, and they all follow the same agenda. Only alternative channels (Rumble, Bitchute) on the internet are left as an alternative of free speech and have served to report on the great genocidal fraud.
The UK and German governments stated in documents that they were deliberately increasing the level of fear, including traumatizing children by making them believe that they would torture and kill their relatives if they did not wash their hands and obey the corona measures. Children were led to believe that they could show their love for their grandparents by not approaching them. Social distancing is a psychological torture technique designed to traumatize and control [25] and its purpose is to condition people to distance themselves from others so that they can be seen and targeted by the 5G gun.
Government and WHO policies are deliberately aimed at killing people. In many countries, doctors have been forced to not admit the elderly to intensive care units and withdraw all health care, and national health systems have stopped providing health care other than "COVID," leaving patients to die.
In France, the government issued a decree ordering doctors to administer a restricted drug to the elderly since 2012 because it was contraindicated for respiratory problems. [26] In the United States, hospitals were heavily bribed to diagnose "COVID" and put patients on ventilators that killed them.
The WHO and governments suppressed successful treatments, one in particular in use for 70 years, and harassed doctors who successfully saved patients.
Autopsies that would reveal the true cause of death were mostly avoided. As reported by pathologists Ryan Cole and forensic pathologist Professor Klaus Püschel, who stated that they did not see a single case of "COVID-19" at autopsy that did not include other serious pre-existing diseases. [27]
Governments and WHO have promoted and forced the use of masks by the public with full knowledge that they do not offer protection against any virus, [28] but cause severe neurological and respiratory damage, putting people's lives and health at risk. [29]
In the UK, the death rate increased only after the general lockdown was implemented. [30] Leading economists are warning that the UK government is "killing more people than it could save" through lockdowns. [31]
The UK Daily Mail conducted an audit of 130 studies from journals, academics and charities, documenting the social and health devastation and deaths caused by lockdowns/lockdowns. [32] In one US county, suicides among young people increased by 100%.
Bill Gates wants to reduce the world's population. [36] He presented his vaccine containing electronic nanogel technology intended to "tag" and control 7 billion humans at the ID2020 Conference in 2019. ID2020 is intended to provide a unique digital identity for all humans by 2030 that closely interlinks that digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems. [37] This is the electronic slavery of humanity. The subcutaneous chip will be able to:
Influence the behavior of the wearer of the chip (manipulate and control crowds); eliminate categories of people; ensure vaccine compliance [38]; permanently locate the wearer (get out of civil liberties); integrate 7 billion people into the cloud and operate with an all-digital system that is the equivalent of a credit in a company store. [39]
Nanochips and liquid crystals in vaccines can influence human behavior, without concern for political ethics. [40]
And the next vaccine aims to genetically modify humanity for all future generations, [41] actually eliminating humanity altogether as humans become transhumans (controlled zombie robots). [42]
These "COVID" vaccines are not following normal testing procedures, - which usually take 10-12 years with testing - and are being released in case the pandemic rumor ends too soon to convince people to take the vaccine. Governments are giving pharmaceutical companies full immunity from lawsuits for damages.
A growing number of people are saying they will refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, with about half of the populations in the US and UK saying so. [46]
However, some governments are planning to force vaccination on populations using the military, [47] while others are planning to ban vaccine refugees from work, school or travel. [48] Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger.
Children's Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust are filing lawsuits against the Federal Communications Commission for its refusal to revise its outdated thermal exposure guidelines on electromagnetic radiation. [50]
The perpetrators of the COVID scam are imposing roadblocks and destroying lives, businesses, and families. The entity behind all this, the World Economic Forum, told us in 2017 about the world they want to see by 2030: [51] You will have nothing - you will be renting everything - but you will be happy.
They are building concentration camps for dissidents. [55] They want to impose a forced vaccine full of nanochips and nanoparticles so they can track, watch and control us, including our minds. This vaccine aims to genetically modify humanity for all future generations.
In the US, Soros and 269 major corporations are funding Black Lives Matter and destroying America with the complicity of corrupt Democrat/Republican politicians.
1. Documentary: The Great Reset exposed - agenda 2030. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
2. WHO exposed: How the health body changed pandemic criteria to push the agenda forward. Available at . May 12, 2020. Accessed October 23, 2020.
3. Investigative report on pandemic COVID-19 and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. P. 74. Available for download at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
4. Age of Truth. What the hell is going on? Video explaining the investigative report on the COVID-10 pandemic: . Accessed October 23, 2020.
5. Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. Study shows direct correlation between 5G networks and "Coronavirus" outbreaks. April 30, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
6. Magda Havas, PhD. Corona Virus and 5G - is there a connection? Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
7. Lena Pu: 5G and the Wuhan disaster. February 19, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
8. 5G, Vaccination, Nanoparticles and the Genocide of Humanity. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
9. Our children are now in grave danger. Claire Edwards. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
10. Barrie Trower on 5G: The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionizing Radiation. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
11. Dr. Katherine Horton. .
12. TE Bearden. Oblivion: America at the Brink . 2005. P. 48.
13. Our children are now in grave danger. Claire Edwards. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
14. Investigative report on pandemic COVID-19 and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Annex 12: International law. Available for download at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
15. Catherin Austin Fitts. We are watching the mother of all debt traps. Available for download at . Accessed October 23, 2020. "The 'Great Restoration' is ... a reengineering of the global financial system and governance system ... a push to basically use the police powers created through the health care system to shut down a large part of the independent economy, globally. "
16. Irish legal news. Police and MI5 crime authorization bill passes third reading. October 13, 2020. "An amendment moved by Labour MP Conor McGinn, which would have excluded murder, rape and torture from the crimes that can be authorized under the bill, was defeated by 316-256." Among other departments, the UK Ministry of Justice can authorize criminality. Available at and UK Column News: column-news-28-setember-2020 .
17. Human Rights Council. Vaccine mandates violate the right to informed consent. A / HRC / 45 / NGO / 43. Available at .
18. COVID-19 had no impact on US death rate so far in 2020. Need to Know. May 11, 2020. The CDC website says that the average total U.S. deaths since 2015 from all causes remained unchanged so far in 2020. This means that the large number of COVID-19 deaths reported never happened or were deaths from other causes mislabeled as COVID -19.
Available at . See also COVID-19 pandemic paradox: 2020 has fewer deaths than five years earlier. June 25, 2020. Available at Mortality statistics in England and Wales: the SARS-CoV-2 paradox. Gabrielle Harrison and others. Journal of International Medical Research . June 20, 2020. The total number of nationally reported deaths in England and Wales decreased between January and mid-March 2020 compared to previous years. Given the UK's aging population (increasing year on year by about 0.6%) 11 and an ongoing pandemic, this is a curious pattern. These data are presented graphically in Figure 1. Available at . Accessed October 2, 2020.
19. Removal of Certificate of Cremation from Form 5 for Covid-19 related deaths under the Coronavirus Act. Vanessa Beeley. October 5, 2020. "Did you know that the UK government has removed Form 5 from the Certificate of Cremation for Covid-19 related deaths under the Coronavirus Act, which is the form that the relative registering the death must receive as it allows them to see and refer to the death certificate prior to cremation. " Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
20. Armstrong Economics. Tens of thousands of doctors confirm this is a hoax. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
21. Germany: World Doctors Alliance: Better Normal, not New Normal. October 10, 2020. Video: .
22. Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Video: "Crimes Against Humanity: The German Corona Investigation. "The PCR Pandemic". Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
23. Stanford Medical Center's former head of neuroradiology gives us the facts; and the news is good. April 26, 2020. Available at back to work-n135493 . Accessed October 23, 2020.
24. News from the technocracy. CDC confirms extremely low COVID-19 mortality rate. June 26, 2020. . Accessed October 23, 2020.
25. US Attorney: 'Social distancing is a CIA torture technique'. Leigh Dundas, June 16, 2020 (9 min). Available at .
26. Investigative report on the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Pp. 77-78. Available for download at . Accessed October 23, 2020. See also (in French) Nicolas Dupont-Aignan en direct Facebook (April 22, 2020)
27. The forensic pathologist, Professor Klaus Püschel, does not beat around the bush ... "I have not seen a single autopsy case of 'Covid-19' that did not include other serious pre-existing diseases." August 23, 2020. Available at . . Accessed October 23, 2020.
28. Face masks pose serious risks to healthy people. Dr. Russell Blaylock. May 11, 2020. Available at - addreaction . Accessed October 2, 2020.
29. German neurologist on face masks: 'Oxygen deprivation causes permanent neurological damage'. October 21, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
30. UK column news. October 21, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
31. Daily Mail . Lockdowns 'kill more Britons than they save'. October 22, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
32. Daily Mail . Lockdown's lethal toll revealed: 50,000 children see surgery postponed, stroke treatments plummet by nearly 50% and one in five people suffer depression in just one month as the devastating effect of coronavirus restrictions is revealed. October 19, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
33. Natural Blaze. Suicides rise nearly 100% among youth in Wisconsin's second largest county, as medical experts cite dangers of social isolation. October 21, 2020. Accessed October 23, 2020. -experts-cite-perils-of-social-isolation.html? utm_source = Activist + Post + Subscribers & utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = 7027cfaaf4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN & utm_term = 0_b0c7fb76bd-7027cfa4-388367887 .
34. Activist post. Millions of New Yorkers can't buy food as hunger crisis worsens. October 21, 2020. Accessed October 23, 2020. + Subscribers & utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = 7027cfaaf4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN & utm_term = 0_b0c7fb76bd-7027cfaaf4-388367887 .
35. Daily Mail . 'STOP blockade to control Covid': Britain's WHO envoy implores world leaders to stop using blockade as their 'primary' means of fighting the virus because it is 'doubling down' on global poverty. October 10, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
36. Bill Gates - Population Reduction @ TED 2010. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
37. Investigative report on pandemic COVID-19 and its relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other factors. Chapter 13: Vaccine and electronic chip. Available for download at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
38. MIT. Storage of medical information below the skin surface. Specialized dye, supplied along with a vaccine, may allow "in-patient" storage of vaccination history. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
39. Catherin Austin Fitts. We are watching the mother of all debt traps. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
40. UNESCO. Nanotechnologies, ethics and policy. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
41. Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on vx, hydrogel, and secret government programs. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
42. Peter Koenig. Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda on the Agenda. "Genetically Modified Humanity." Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
43. Deaths after flu shots in South Korea fuel fears, but authorities have found no link. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020. Death toll from South Korea's flu vaccination campaign rises to 25; authorities refuse to withdraw vaccine: withdraw-vaccine / ar-BB1ajw0a
44. AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial Brazil volunteer dies, trial continues. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
45. Second COVID vaccine trial halted due to unexplained illness. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
46. U.S. scientists are concerned about the increasing number of people who say they will refuse the COVID-19 vaccine. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
47. Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Coronavirus Vaccinations. New measures "most extreme since World War II." Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
48. People who reject vaccine may be barred from work, school. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
49. Italian Catholic Association to bring criminal charges against World Health Organization, by Michael J. Matt. Available at .
50. The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Children's Health Defense (CHD) have filed a lawsuit against the FCC for its refusal to revise its outdated thermal exposure limits despite evidence presented by scientists, doctors, and people, including children, who have suffered from cancer and microwave diseases (headaches, learning and concentration problems, memory problems, tinnitus, sleep problems, anxiety and depression, immune system problems) from chronic RF radiation exposures that are below the FCC's thermal exposure limits. To read the joint summary that CHD and EHT submitted .
51. World Economic Forum. 8 Predictions for the world in 2030. Available at email & cid_content = art1ReadMore & cid = 20201023Z2 & mid = DM686157 & rid = 993745450 . Accessed October 23, 2020.
52. World change statement 20. Available at .
53. Ice Age Farmer: .
54. Mandatory "quarantine camps" have just been set up in New Zealand, a globalist testing ground for the mass extermination of humanity. August 17, 2020. Available at . Ardern explains that if you refuse to be tested, you will be locked up indefinitely and never allowed to leave the quarantine camp: We are quarantining everyone. Now we are also requiring testing. This makes us the strictest in the world. There are countries that require self-isolation; we are going a little further. If someone moves into a common area or is getting some fresh air, all monitored, no one can do that on their own. They can only go out or be in a space to take some fresh air if they are supervised, because of course it is a quarantine facility.
55. Here are the companies that support Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Want You Dead. Ashley Rae Goldenberg. June 3, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020. Who is funding BLACK LIVES MATTERS and why? Spiro Skouras. June 26, 2020. Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
56. Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Video: "Crimes Against Humanity: The German Corona Investigation. "The PCR Pandemic". Available at . Accessed October 23, 2020.
57. A policewoman stands up - Austria is free. Available at .
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