Letter 253, November 20th, 1903 - Ellen White Responds to the trinity doctrine

3 years ago

After Dr. J.H. Kellogg admitted to A.G Daniells on October 29th, that he "had come to believe in the trinity," this confession was read by Ellen G. White and on November 20th, 1903, Sister White responded to Dr. Kellogg with stern warnings of reproof concerning his theories in regard to the presence and personality of God. Though forgotten, this letter is a must read for Seventh-day Adventists who have adopted the same theories as the man whose mind was "as dark as Egypt," to the detriment of his "eternal interests." (Letter, A. G. Daniells to W. C. White Oct 29th 1903)

Letter 253 (Full Letter):

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български - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBlKPOWNeqk

The Future of Unity & The Trail of the Serpent:

The Forgotten Pillar Video Series by the Forgotten Pillar Project concerning Dr. Kellogg and the presence and personality of God:


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