The SC-NC Funnel ◎∡ „difraction” /Lejek Wklęsłoziemny „dyfrakcja”

3 years ago

Some basics of Concave Skycentrism of everything. Biblical Universe at scientific approach. The Skycentrism originates even from historical babylonian universe model! On this video, I analyze especially optical correlations, ∡angular difference - [comp. to geometrical perspective of cylinders 90 degrees to ground - on my Youtube channel Tradycyjny YAHwista] - strange „diffraction” of sunlight by different scales. The inversion transformation of englobed-earth-cosmos causes light bending. Some other phenomenons, that are straightly describing concavity, are parhelias („mock suns”), CMOR radar imagery (!!), stars recordings - from camera w/ astrozoom 90x capabilities – I use Kodak, not from telescope!, even „simple” water caustics at home!....
In Poland, some mainstream internet media named it (–specific sunlight bending....) „a cosmic cat whiskers”. But it is big scale... in typical sunlight scenery, the light behaves in „another” but still – skycentrical – way. Universe in the nutshell.

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