How to bathe cats? Is it really necessary?

3 years ago

How to bathe cats? Is it really necessary?
Before knowing how to bathe cats, it is necessary to understand that it is only indicated in specific cases, when there is a veterinary doctor's recommendation. In the routine of a healthy kitty, baths are not indicated.
There are several reasons why the feline does not take frequent baths. One of them is the stress caused by contact with water. Every stressed animal may have a drop in immunity and become more predisposed to the development of diseases.
Another very important point is that when you wash your feline with shampoo, you remove the pheromone that he has on his skin, which serves as the cat's identity and is also related to well-being. This is why, after a person has bathed a kitty, it tends to lick itself compulsively. The pet is trying to recover the lost pheromone.
That is why, most of the time, the best solution is to let the feline wash itself by licking itself. Respecting nature avoids stress, dermatitis, and other problems.
Although in a healthy animal baths are not necessary, there are cases when they are indicated. You will have to bathe your feline in situations such as: Dermatitis, Seborrhea, If the animal has been soiled with some chemical or toxic product that needs to be removed.
Want to know how to take better care of your cat click on the link in the video description:

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