Funny fatty football games somewhere in Africa.

3 years ago

Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport acknowledges that cultural
diversity in physical education, physical activity and sport forms part of humanity's intangible heritage and that these includes physical play, recreation, dance, organized, casual, competitive, traditional and indigenous sports and games. The charter recognizes that physical education, physical activity and sport can bring a variety of individual and societal benefits, such as health, social and economic development, youth empowerment, reconciliation and peace. Recently,
Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programmes have begun to incorporate sports into efforts to adopt intervention strategies. Further, HIV prevention messages are disseminated and life skills are taught during sport. Sport is also considered as part of the local culture, linking young and old and creating opportunities for young people to realize a potential that is nonacademic. Sports is considered as a tool in promoting gender equity and social inclusion for girls and women. Today, sport is big business, a source of youth employment and enjoyment, often keeping them away from negative influences and activities. The first women's football world cup was held in 1991, sixty one years after the first men football world cup. It is held after every five years though little is known about as argues that there are inexcusable delays by the organizers that make women football more difficult for fans and media to participate in the competitions. It is clear that women World cup is not as publicized as the Men's world cup a fact that shows that women football still has a long way to go. According to the FIFA women's world cup Report. Germany and USA has won twice while Norway and Japan won the other matches. Nigeria and South Africa has represented Africa in the Women's world cup though with poor performances often losing the matches early. In Africa, women football is not given much attention. Only Nigeria and South Africa seems to be leading as they have both made appearances in the FIFA women's world cup and has continually participated in African women championships. Both teams have played in several editions of the women football world cup though none has ever gone beyond the quarter finals. their performance is greatly attributed to the fact that Nigeria and South Africa have a more established league system although the countries are still struggling to get their women‟s national team to international level. According to Saavadra, other African countries such as Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea have
participated though unsuccessfully in Africa Cup of Nations (CAF) organized by Confederation of Africa Women Football (CAWF).
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