Most favorite dog breeds in America

3 years ago
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There's no denying that Americans adore their pets. Many of them, in fact, adore them more than their partners.
What dog breed, on the other hand, is most likely to receive kisses and bedtime cuddles? It's the ever-popular Labrador retriever, without a doubt.
It's been the top dog in the United States for... well, pretty much forever.
According to the American Kennel Club, the Lab is the most popular dog in almost every state.
The American Kennel Club numbers, on the other hand, are based on the number of dogs registered in each state.
Another method for determining the best breeds in the country is to look at Google searches.
We've compiled a list of America's Favorite Dog Breeds in this video: By-States
Hawaii's most popular breed is the Pomeranian.
Louisiana is the state where the Saint Bernard is most popular.
Maine is the state with the most Pugs.
The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of dog that originated in England. Minnesota is the state where it is most popular.
Mississippi is the state with the most Dachshunds.

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