SMARTPHONE ASTRO! Comet Leonard! Easy Comet Stacking & Processing

3 years ago

One of the best comets to come around since NEOWISE has been in the early morning and early evening sky, COMET LEONARD! I had a chance to view and image it in the early morning of November 29th, 2021. At that time it was in the constellation Canes Venatici. It has since made it's closest pass to earth and the sun, and will now head out of the solar system only to come back again in another 80,000 years!
I haven't had much experience with comets but after some trial and error, I found it was quite easy to stack the images in a free program called "Deep Sky Stacker" using their comet stacking algorithm. Once that was done, only a few simple steps in Photoshop will bring out this comet in all it's glory!
To follow along with this tutorial, I've included a link to the same images I used here along with a link to get Deep Sky Stacker. I hope you will follow along!

Smartphone Astro!

Comet Leonard file:

Deep Sky Stacker

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