Mass Psychosis: Is There Anybody... Out There? - We Come For Your Children! [20.12.2021]

3 years ago

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]: What is Doublespeak? (NPM- and NewSpeak)

'Mel here. Just a few thoughts I had recently and decided to share. It's been increasingly tough at certain points this year —- the year of what I refer to as the "personalized haunted house" — to know what that has been without just contributing to more fear and noise. I take this job pretty seriously and I'm starting to focus in on some things I really believe are important and worth sharing, but I needed to say a few things first.'
Disney The Mysterius Benedict Society -
A group of gifted orphans are recruited by an eccentric, benefactor to go on a secret mission.
During a global emergency from a suffering economy and other factors, Mr. Benedict, a very talented and smart individual, recruits four kids for a dangerous mission to infiltrate The Institute. The Institute is a school run by Mr. Curtain, who is sending messages that infiltrate one's subconscious, which makes him able to slip in ideas and thoughts into people's minds. Mr. Benedict sends the four kids he has recruited into The Institute to stop this nefariousness and to save the world from Mr. Curtain's control.
Release date June 25, 2021 (United States)

Watch here:

77,704 views Premiered Nov 20, 2021
Truthstream Media
531K subscribers

The Trust Game:

Source: Max Igan: A Mirror World... [24.12.2021]
TheCrowhouse - 81980 subscribers

2,767,890 views Premiered Dec 17, 2018
Truthstream Media
531K subscribers

Truthstream Media is not your mainstream news! Welcome to teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we live in. Aaron Dykes and Melissa Dykes (formerly Melton) created as an outlet to try and figure out what in the hell is really going on while we watch history repeat itself over and over and over...

54,391 views Oct 13, 2021
Truthstream Media
531K subscribers
Joined Sep 8, 2011

Informed Dissent - 6.59K subscribers
Description: Documentation, hidden history and the deep politics of information. By Aaron and Melissa Dykes
Location: United States
Joined Aug 24, 2016

Research and documentary duo Aaron & Melissa Dykes turn their focus to an intricate and long-winding path that connects the foundations of modern society with the rise of central banks – as the insipid but immensely influential policies of money issuance weave together the shadowy sinews of history's most pivotal events.

From colonial expansion, to the creation of the Federal Reserve, up to our volatile age of cryptocurrency and digital authorization, the contentious battleground of finance has pitted presidents and congressional representatives alike against the unmovable power of lenders and moneymakers, who've worked to tip the scales towards centralized authority at the expense of individual sovereignty.

Attempting a greater context, 'The Trust Game' is a 10-part, over 10-hour series aiming to sharpen global events spinning blurry in the rapid stages of development. Major changes have occurred; major changes are underway. Yet some things remain surprisingly the same – this is a system dependent upon confidence, belief, and ultimately... trust.

**Two episodes are scheduled to emerge per week on Fridays in this limited series. The filmmakers and the life of this project depend exclusively on the currency of your support, patronage and exchange of ideas. Thank you for that. Please share if it is valuable to you:**

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